戦略的大学連携支援事業 口腔医学国際シンポジウム 開催

 “Grand Design for Future Dentistry”というテーマに沿って、基調講演を田中健藏理事長、講演をダルハウジー大学 M. Michael Cohen Jr.教授、ケンタッキー大学 David A. Nash教授、ベルン大学 飯塚建行教授、東京大学 高戸毅教授、北海道大学 戸塚靖則教授が行いました。また、ディスカッションでは北村憲司学長をファシリテーターに、活発な議論が交わされました。

 13:00 Opening Remarks  Prof. Kenji Kitamura, Rector, Fukuoka Dental College
 13:10 Keynote Address “Establishment of an Educational System of Oral Medicine and Integration of Medicine
       and Dentistry”   Prof. Kenzo Tanaka, Chairman, Board of Trustees Fukuoka Dental College
 13:40 “The Integration of Medicine and Dentistry with Special Reference to the United States”
       Prof. M. Michael Cohen Jr., Dalhousie University
 14:25 “Integrating the Education of Dentists with Physicians: The Challenge and the Imperative”
       Prof. David A.Nash, University of Kentucky
 15:10  Break
 15:20 Dental Education and the Oral Health Care System in Europe: What Happened in 10 years
       of the Bologna Process”  Prof. Tateyuki Iizuka, University of Bern
 16:00 “Dental Innovation and the Future of Oral Science”
       Prof. Tsuyoshi Takato, The University of Tokyo
 16:40 “How to Innovate the Dental Education in Japan: The First Step in the Paradigm Shift
       from Dentistry to Oral Medicine”
   Prof. Yasunori Totsuka, HokkaidoUniversity
 17:20 Break
 17:30 Discussion  Facilitator : Prof. Kenji Kitamura, Rector, Fukuoka Dental College
 17:55 Closing Remarks  Prof. Takeshi Honda, Standing Director of Fukuoka Dental College
  Prof. Kenzo Tanaka Prof. M. Michael Cohen Jr.
  Prof. David A.Nash Prof. Tateyuki Iizuka
  Prof. Tsuyoshi Takato Prof. Yasunori Totsuka
  Discussion Discussion